Employment Opportunities

    Results: 4

  • Job Finding Assistance (6)

    Job Finding Assistance


    Programs that help people identify and secure paid employment opportunities that match their aptitude, qualifications, experience and interests.
  • Occupation Specific Job Training (1)

    Occupation Specific Job Training


    Programs that provide training in the technical competencies unique to a specific occupation that are required for successful workplace performance. The training may be delivered in a variety of ways including apprenticeships, business practice firms, classroom training, internships, OJT or work experience; or may take place in a combination of settings, on-the-job training supported by formal classroom training, for example, or classroom training followed by an internship.
  • Prejob Guidance (1)

    Prejob Guidance


    Programs that provide instruction for people who need to acquire the basic "soft skills" and tools that are required to successfully apply for and secure employment, and retain a position once they have been hired. These programs provide information and guidance regarding preparing a resume, writing job application letters, completing job application questionnaires, responding to job ads and taking employment tests; offer tips regarding appropriate dress, personal appearance and interview techniques; and address other similar topics.
  • Supported Employment (4)

    Supported Employment


    Programs that find paid, meaningful work in a variety of community-based settings for people who have disabilities and which assign a "job coach" to work side-by-side with each client to interface with the employer and other employees, and provide training in basic job skills and work-related behaviors, assistance with specific tasks as needed and whatever other initial or ongoing support is required to ensure that the individual retains competitive employment. Included are individual placement models in which a job coach works on-the-job with a single individual and group models such as enclaves (which are self-contained work units of people needing support) and mobile work crews, in which a group of workers with disabilities receives continuous support and supervision from supported employment personnel. In the enclave model, groups of people with disabilities are trained to work as a team alongside employees in the host business supported by a specially trained on-site supervisor, who may work either for the host company or the placement agency. A variation of the enclave approach is called the "dispersed enclave" and is used in service industries (e.g., restaurants and hotels). Each person works on a separate job, and the group is dispersed throughout the company. In the mobile work crew model, a small team of people with disabilities works as a self-contained business and undertakes contract work such as landscaping and gardening projects. The crew works at various locations in a variety of settings within the community under the supervision of a job coach.